Breathe Atlantic

Be An Explorer

A passion project born from a love of nautical exploration and the unpredictable nature of the sea, the idea came after an overwhelming sense of calm while walking down the Jersey Shore one evening.

Thus, Breathe Atlantic was created—a brand developed to push others to take a deep breath before plunging into a sea of possibilities from the coastlines of life.

Role and Results

As the founder of Breathe Atlantic, I knew I wanted to create something that would leave an impression. Partnered with my creative confidant, Justin Demetrician, who helped with Breathe Atlantic’s visual identity, I focused largely on the the brand’s verbal identity, crafting messaging and marketing that resonated among those along the Mid-Atlantic coastline.

Justin and I also took it upon ourselves to screenprint, craft, and carve each item by hand, creating a 100% authentic look and feel fit for the brand.

The result? A purely creative outlet that led to hundreds of sales, dozens of new connections, and a memory that I’ll forever cherish.